Communication Strategy - AAWAZ Program/DFID
Developed the DFID funded AAWAZ program’s strategy paper. The document presented in detail the AAWAZ communication strategy, with the aim to facilitating and strengthening the programme’s objectives:
Output 1: women better able to participate safely in politics and in public spaces at federal, provincial levels in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab
Output 2: citizens and communities better able to resolve disputes peacefully and work together for a common solution in KP and Punjab
Output 3: women and other excluded groups better able to demand improved delivery of services in KP and Punjab
This strategy recommended communication and outreach tools aimed at behavior change of those who influence the policies and service delivery of AAWAZ primary target group, the women and men across the selected 45 districts (approximately 9 million citizens of Pakistan). The suggested media campaign; including electronic press and outdoor media as well as relevant events were to bring this issue into national notice.
Communication Strategy – Concern Worldwide/DFID
Provided consultancy services for developing Communication Strategy and Action Plan for DFID funded Community Based Disaster Risk Management component of Building Disaster Resilience Programme in Pakistan being implemented by Concern and its consortium partners. The strategy and work plan aimed to guide and enable behaviour change and adoption of the risk mitigation measures by the households and communities directly impacted by natural disasters through context specific and locally appropriate means. BBS provided suitable approaches to advocacy, message promotion, and other communications methods to encourage the action of local stakeholders as well as district level institutions to engage in and realize resilience approaches which are resistant to recurring disasters, environmental impacts, and climate change.
Behavior Change Strategy – Nutrition International
Developed the Behaviour Change Intervention Strategy for BMNHN-MI Pakistan to improve maternal and newborn care in Punjab, Sindh and KP. The consultancy involved the review and analysis of all available formative research and other qualitative and quantitative evidence to help guide interventions for behaviour change with a special focus to the socio-cultural context. Following the research, BBS developed a BCI strategy and implementation plan through a participatory process and with inputs from key stakeholders at the federal and provincial levels.
CVE in South Punjab – DAI
AeP/DAI and BBS partnered on a campaign supporting the state’s initiatives for countering messaging by VEOs, encouraging communities to come together to fight violent extremism, and providing them with a counter narrative that promotes peace and tolerance. BBS provided consultancy on Research & Monitoring to support the campaign, and maintained close coordination with AeP/DAI during development, recording, and testing phases. A testing framework was developed to take place at different stages of the campaign. Focus Group Discussions were carried out at various stages for evaluation.
Everyone Campaign – Save the Children
Provided media consultancy to Save the Children for the Everyone Campaign since the inception in 2012. Every One campaign was the global campaign of Save the Children that worked in countries all over the world to tackle preventable child deaths, and to protect mothers and children during childbirth. BBS presented a detailed strategy of two years to Save the Children, with tools intended for both policy change and awareness raising, and were both very effective, for instance in the passing of several legislations regarding Mother and Child Health.
WASH Campaign Strategy – UNICEF, WaterAid, Plan Pakistan
BBS developed the communication and implementation strategy for the WASH campaign by implementing partners UNICEF, WaterAid, Plan Pakistan and Black Box Sounds. WASH is a 5 years long nationwide Behavior Change Campaign on WASH. The campaign aims to reach out to the masses with health and hygiene messages using interactive mass and social media channels for improved hygiene behavior, and for policy change regarding the WASH situation in Pakistan.
Think Twice Pakistan – U.S. Embassy Islamabad
BBS designed the Think Twice Pakistan (TTP) Campaign with a two- pronged strategy with an aim to provide a counterpoint against religious extremism and violence through the communication media.
Firstly, to give a voice to the victims of terrorism. Ironically, the voice of terrorists could be heard everywhere: inside our homes, on the news in the form of bomb blasts, suicide attacks and target killings, but there was no voice loud enough to counter it; that of the victims.
Secondly, Pakistan’s people needed to realize the potential they held, the great work a lot of them were doing, making a difference in their own lives and the lives of their communities in whatever way they could; the unsung heroes. The idea was to inspire Pakistanis to channel their energies towards positive outlets.
Voter Registration Campaign Strategy - IFES
Provided consultancy services to IFES for motivating young voters to register their names for the upcoming elections. BBS provided complete communications work plan that included production and dissemination of communication products for effective outreach to the youth.
Political Finance Advocacy – IFES
Provided consultancy to raise awareness among all stakeholders and to create demand for reforming and implementing the political finance related regulatory framework. A documentary was produced showcasing different advocacy initiatives of different political parties and introducing the concept of political financing and the legal framework related to it. It contained representation from different political parties, whose members spoke about political finance and their party’s policy of political finance before and during elections.